We are excited to announce that we have fully reopened, with very significant changes, effective August 12, 2020. We at Restorative and Implant Dentistry of Long Island (RIDLI), the offices of Dr. Mitchell Shaw, would like to share the following updates with our patients and friends:
Plexiglass barriers installed
A) What our office has done to provide a safe and healthy reopening:
- As clean as our office always is, we have thoroughly sanitized all surfaces and areas prior to our reopening.
- Entry through the office doorways will be hands free – the doors are permanently in the open position.
- Chairs in the Waiting Room have been placed 6 feet apart for social distancing. Nonetheless, the Waiting Room will be empty of patients, with the exception of a parent with a minor child or an adult caregiver for a patient requiring assistance. No guests will be permitted at this time!
- Plexiglass barriers have been constructed between the Waiting Room, the Internal Desk area and the Front Desk for everyone’s safety.
- Door Enclosures have been installed at the entrances to all Treatment Rooms, allowing for patient care in the Room to be isolated off from the common office hallways and business locations.
- Industrial strength Air Purifiers that recirculate and clean the room air in the Treatment Rooms, up to 4 times per hour, have been installed in each Treatment Room for everyone’s well being.
- Additional staff training will help to insure safety for all!
KN95 masks for staff/patient safety
- Additional and beyond standard of care PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), including special masks, disposable gowns, head-coverings, face shields, etc. will be worn by staff members, as recommended for safety for all.
- New sanitizing procedures and products will be used before and after each patient is seen.
- Extra appointment time and revised scheduling will provide for even greater attention to sanitizing of Treatment Rooms and common areas. This will require some patience on your part, since this is time consuming. This might also require reduced daily scheduling of patients.
- Revised “protocols” have been established to allow for the safe ushering in and out of the office. This will be explained in the “Patient Appointment Protocol” section, to follow.
- All patient business transactions, including insurance issues, future appointments, payments, etc. will take place either in the Treatment Room prior to dismissal, or at the Plexiglass location in the Waiting Room. The internal check-out location will not be in service at this time
- Infra-red forehead touchless temperatures will be taken for all patients prior to entry to the Treatment Rooms (See Section B)
- Hand sanitizer stations are now positioned throughout the office and will need to be used when you enter and exit the office.
- Special oral rinses will be provided for our patients prior to treatment.
- Revised patient dismissal protocols will be explained once you are in the office.
B) What is required of our patients for everyone’s safety:
- A Covid-19 Medical questionnaire is “downloadable” attached to this notice. It must be filled out and brought to your appointment. While these questions will previously be asked of you when your appointment is confirmed, since often times confirmations are done by answering machine, text or voicemail, it is required that you bring this completed form to your appointment. If you are unable to “Download” this form, let us know and one will be mailed to you. We will review this questionnaire and take your temperature prior to your appointment. Please click on the word ” Download” above to access to the form.
Aerosol resistant Zip Doors on
all Treatment Rooms
- Continue to monitor your health. Prior to any dental appointment, should you note a cough, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, loss of smell or taste, a sore throat , fever or any other possible Covid-19 symptoms please call our office beforehand, to determine if your appointment needs to be rescheduled and/or your physician contacted.
- No guests, spouses or friends will be allowed to enter the office with any patient, with the exception of a parent with a minor child or an adult caregiver with a dependent adult.
- All patients will be required to wear a mask when entering the office, or admittance will be denied. In an emergency, we can supply a mask for you. Your mask is to be worn until you enter the Treatment Room, and then after treatment, until you leave the office.
- All patients will be provided with hand sanitizer upon arrival and dismissal from the office. Numerous dispensers, in both the building and the office will be available.
- Please, be patient-it is a new world for all of us and there will be a learning curve that requires extra time, effort and diligence for everyone’s well- being. Fewer appointments will be available each day than usual, so please call well in advance to schedule.
Disposable coats, face shields and KN95 masks for staff
- Please remember the importance of social distancing!
- Depending upon the nature of your treatment at any particular appointment, as circumstances allow/permit, we MAY require a recent Covid-19 test prior to your appointment. While not needed for most visits, in the future, it might be required for others.
Entire office sanitized after each patient/ clutterfree work surfaces
C) Patient Appointment Protocol:
- Upon arrival in our parking lot, remain in your car and call the office. Our staff will let you know approximately how long it will be before you will be able to proceed to the office. We will review the questionnaire at the time of this phone call.
- We will call you when ready and one of us will greet you at the front office door. Your mask must be worn. Hand sanitizer will be dispensed and your temperature taken at this time. Anyone with a temperature over 100.3 will need to re-appoint. The source of your fever will be discussed.
- At this time, you will be ushered through the Waiting Room to the Treatment Room. To avoid any cross contamination, plastic bins have been positioned outside each Treatment Room door, into which will need to be placed all jackets, pocketbooks, knapsacks, phones and other personal items except your clothing. NO exceptions to this rule will be permitted!
- Once you pass through our newly installed Treatment Room enclosures you will be asked to rinse with a pre-treatment antimicrobial rinse.
- When we, the staff, enter the Treatment Room, while we may look a bit different, it’s still us! We will care for you and your health as we always have.
- Exit protocol will be discussed as the appointment proceeds.
D) Patient Medical Screening questionnaire:
- It is essential you “download” this form and complete it prior to entering the parking lot for your appointment, as previously described.
Yours in Dental Health,
Dr. Mitchell Shaw and our Dental Team
Air purifiers in Treatment Rooms-sanitizes air 4x/ hour